1 Thessalonians 5:11 ESV / 46 helpful votes Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
Romans 15:13 ESV / 31 helpful votes May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.
Ephesians 4:29 ESV / 23 helpful votes Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Jeremiah 29:11 ESV / 21 helpful votes For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Colossians 1:16-17 ESV / 9 helpful votes For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Romans 6:23 ESV / 7 helpful votes For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 John 2:10 ESV / 5 helpful votes Whoever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling.
Romans 1:11 ESV / 5 helpful votes For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you—
John 3:16-17 ESV / 5 helpful votes “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
1 Samuel 1:17 ESV / 5 helpful votes Then Eli answered, “Go in peace, and the God of Israel grant your petition that you have made to him.”
Ephesians 6:12 ESV / 3 helpful votes For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.
Philippians 3:1-21 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you. Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh. For we are the circumcision, who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus and put no confidence in the flesh— though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh also. If anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh, I have more: circumcised on the eighth day, of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews; as to the law, a Pharisee; …
Ephesians 1:15-1915 Because of this I also, having heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and the love to all the saints,16 do not cease giving thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers,17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of the glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the recognition of him,18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, for your knowing what is the hope of His calling, and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,19 and what the exceeding greatness of His power to us who are believing, according to the working of the power of His might,
1 John 3:17-2417 and whoever may have the goods of the world, and may view his brother having need, and may shut up his bowels from him — how doth the love of God remain in him?18 My little children, may we not love in word nor in tongue, but in word and in truth!19 and in this we know that of the truth we are, and before Him we shall assure our hearts,20 because if our heart may condemn — because greater is God than our heart, and He doth know all things.21 Beloved, if our heart may not condemn us, we have boldness toward God,22 and whatever we may ask, we receive from Him, because His commands we keep, and the things pleasing before Him we do,23 and this is His command, that we may believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, and may love one another, even as He did give command to us,24 and he who is keeping His commands, in Him he doth remain, and He in him; and in this we know that He doth remain in us, from the Spirit that He gave us.
Acts 13:42-5242 And having gone forth out of the synagogue of the Jews, the nations were calling upon [them] that on the next sabbath these sayings may be spoken to them,43 and the synagogue having been dismissed, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes did follow Paul and Barnabas, who, speaking to them, were persuading them to remain in the grace of God.44 And on the coming sabbath, almost all the city was gathered together to hear the word of God,45 and the Jews having seen the multitudes, were filled with zeal, and did contradict the things spoken by Paul — contradicting and speaking evil.46 And speaking boldly, Paul and Barnabas said, `To you it was necessary that first the word of God be spoken, and seeing ye do thrust it away, and do not judge yourselves worthy of the life age-during, lo, we do turn to the nations;47 for so hath the Lord commanded us: I have set thee for a light of nations — for thy being for salvation unto the end of the earth.’48 And the nations hearing were glad, and were glorifying the word of the Lord, and did believe — as many as were appointed to life age-during;49 and the word of the Lord was spread abroad through all the region.50 And the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the first men of the city, and did raise persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and did put them out from their borders;51 and they having shaken off the dust of their feet against them, came to Iconium,52 and the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 5:6-206 Let no one deceive you with vain words, for because of these things cometh the anger of God upon the sons of the disobedience,7 become not, then, partakers with them,8 for ye were once darkness, and now light in the Lord; as children of light walk ye,9 for the fruit of the Spirit [is] in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth,10 proving what is well-pleasing to the Lord,11 and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of the darkness and rather even convict,12 for the things in secret done by them it is a shame even to speak of,13 and all the things reproved by the light are manifested, for everything that is manifested is light;14 wherefore he saith, `Arouse thyself, thou who art sleeping, and arise out of the dead, and the Christ shall shine upon thee.’15 See, then, how exactly ye walk, not as unwise, but as wise,16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil;17 because of this become not fools, but — understanding what [is] the will of the Lord,18 and be not drunk with wine, in which is dissoluteness, but be filled in the Spirit,19 speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,20 giving thanks always for all things, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to the God and Father;
2 and the soldiers having plaited a crown of thorns, did place [it] on his head, and a purple garment they put around him,
3 and said, `Hail! the king of the Jews;’ and they were giving him slaps.
4 Pilate, therefore, again went forth without, and saith to them, `Lo, I do bring him to you without, that ye may know that in him I find no fault;’
5 Jesus, therefore, came forth without, bearing the thorny crown and the purple garment; and he saith to them, `Lo, the man!’
6 When, therefore, the chief priests and the officers did see him, they cried out, saying, `Crucify, crucify;’ Pilate saith to them, `Take ye him — ye, and crucify; for I find no fault in him;’
7 the Jews answered him, `We have a law, and according to our law he ought to die, for he made himself Son of God.’
8 When, therefore, Pilate heard this word, he was the more afraid,
9 and entered again to the praetorium, and saith to Jesus, `Whence art thou?’ and Jesus gave him no answer.
10 Pilate, therefore, saith to him, `To me dost thou not speak? hast thou not known that I have authority to crucify thee, and I have authority to release thee?’
11 Jesus answered, `Thou wouldst have no authority against me, if it were not having been given thee from above; because of this, he who is delivering me up to thee hath greater sin.’
12 From this [time] was Pilate seeking to release him, and the Jews were crying out, saying, `If this one thou mayest release, thou art not a friend of Caesar; every one making himself a king, doth speak against Caesar.’
13 Pilate, therefore, having heard this word, brought Jesus without — and he sat down upon the tribunal — to a place called, `Pavement,’ and in Hebrew, Gabbatha;
14 and it was the preparation of the passover, and as it were the sixth hour, and he saith to the Jews, `Lo, your king!’
15 and they cried out, `Take away, take away, crucify him;’ Pilate saith to them, `Your king shall I crucify?’ the chief priests answered, `We have no king except Caesar.’
16 Then, therefore, he delivered him up to them, that he may be crucified, and they took Jesus and led [him] away,
17 and bearing his cross, he went forth to the place called [Place] of a Skull, which is called in Hebrew Golgotha;
18 where they crucified him, and with him two others, on this side, and on that side, and Jesus in the midst.
19 And Pilate also wrote a title, and put [it] on the cross, and it was written, `Jesus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews;’
20 this title, therefore, read many of the Jews, because the place was nigh to the city where Jesus was crucified, and it was having been written in Hebrew, in Greek, in Roman.
21 The chief priests of the Jews said, therefore, to Pilate, `Write not — The king of the Jews, but that one said, I am king of the Jews;’
22 Pilate answered, `What I have written, I have written.’
23 The soldiers, therefore, when they did crucify Jesus, took his garments, and made four parts, to each soldier a part, also the coat, and the coat was seamless, from the top woven throughout,
24 they said, therefore, to one another, `We may not rend it, but cast a lot for it, whose it shall be;’ that the Writing might be fulfilled, that is saying, `They divided my garments to themselves, and upon my raiment they did cast a lot;’ the soldiers, therefore, indeed, did these things.
25 And there stood by the cross of Jesus his mother, and his mother’s sister, Mary of Cleopas, and Mary the Magdalene;
26 Jesus, therefore, having seen [his] mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he was loving, he saith to his mother, `Woman, lo, thy son;’
27 afterward he saith to the disciple, `Lo, thy mother;’ and from that hour the disciple took her to his own [home].
28 After this, Jesus knowing that all things now have been finished, that the Writing may be fulfilled, saith, `I thirst;’
29 a vessel, therefore, was placed full of vinegar, and they having filled a sponge with vinegar, and having put [it] around a hyssop stalk, did put [it] to his mouth;
30 when, therefore, Jesus received the vinegar, he said, `It hath been finished;’ and having bowed the head, gave up the spirit.
31 The Jews, therefore, that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath, since it was the preparation, (for that sabbath day was a great one,) asked of Pilate that their legs may be broken, and they taken away.
32 The soldiers, therefore, came, and of the first indeed they did break the legs, and of the other who was crucified with him,
33 and having come to Jesus, when they saw him already having been dead, they did not break his legs;
34 but one of the soldiers with a spear did pierce his side, and immediately there came forth blood and water;
35 and he who hath seen hath testified, and his testimony is true, and that one hath known that true things he speaketh, that ye also may believe.
36 For these things came to pass, that the Writing may be fulfilled, `A bone of him shall not be broken;’
37 and again another Writing saith, `They shall look to him whom they did pierce.’
38 And after these things did Joseph of Arimathea — being a disciple of Jesus, but concealed, through the fear of the Jews — ask of Pilate, that he may take away the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave leave; he came, therefore, and took away the body of Jesus,
39 and Nicodemus also came — who came unto Jesus by night at the first — bearing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, as it were, a hundred pounds.
40 They took, therefore, the body of Jesus, and bound it with linen clothes with the spices, according as it was the custom of the Jews to prepare for burial;
41 and there was in the place where he was crucified a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one was yet laid;
42 there, therefore, because of the preparation of the Jews, because the tomb was nigh, they laid Jesus. – Aslan International Ministry
10 in the world he was, and the world through him was made, and the world did not know him:
11 to his own things he came, and his own people did not receive him;
12 but as many as did receive him to them he gave authority to become sons of God — to those believing in his name,
13 who — not of blood nor of a will of flesh, nor of a will of man but — of God were begotten.
14 And the Word became flesh, and did tabernacle among us, and we beheld his glory, glory as of an only begotten of a father, full of grace and truth.
15 John doth testify concerning him, and hath cried, saying, `This was he of whom I said, He who after me is coming, hath come before me, for he was before me;’
16 and out of his fulness did we all receive, and grace over-against grace;
17 for the law through Moses was given, the grace and the truth through Jesus Christ did come;
19 And this is the testimony of John, when the Jews sent out of Jerusalem priests and Levites, that they might question him, `Who art thou?’
20 and he confessed and did not deny, and confessed — `I am not the Christ.’
21 And they questioned him, `What then? Elijah art thou?’ and he saith, `I am not.’ — `The prophet art thou?’ and he answered, `No.’
22 They said then to him, `Who art thou, that we may give an answer to those sending us? what dost thou say concerning thyself?’
23 He said, `I [am] a voice of one crying in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord, as said Isaiah the prophet.’
24 And those sent were of the Pharisees,
25 and they questioned him and said to him, `Why, then, dost thou baptize, if thou art not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?’
26 John answered them, saying, `I baptize with water, but in midst of you he hath stood whom ye have not known, this one it is who is coming after me, who hath been before me,
27 of whom I am not worthy that I may loose the cord of his sandal.’
28 These things came to pass in Bethabara, beyond the Jordan, where John was baptizing,
29 on the morrow John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, `Lo, the Lamb of God, who is taking away the sin of the world;
30 this is he concerning whom I said, After me doth come a man, who hath come before me, because he was before me:
31 and I knew him not, but, that he might be manifested to Israel, because of this I came with the water baptizing.
33 and I did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water, He said to me, On whomsoever thou mayst see the Spirit coming down, and remaining on him, this is he who is baptizing with the Holy Spirit;
34 and I have seen, and have testified, that this is the Son of God.’
35 On the morrow, again, John was standing, and two of his disciples,
36 and having looked on Jesus walking, he saith, `Lo, the Lamb of God;’
37 and the two disciples heard him speaking, and they followed Jesus.
38 And Jesus having turned, and having beheld them following, saith to them, `What seek ye?’ and they said to them, `Rabbi, (which is, being interpreted, Teacher,) where remainest thou?’
39 He saith to them, `Come and see;’ they came, and saw where he doth remain, and with him they remained that day and the hour was about the tenth.
40 Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard from John, and followed him;
41 this one doth first find his own brother Simon, and saith to him, `We have found the Messiah,’ (which is, being interpreted, The Anointed,)
43 On the morrow, he willed to go forth to Galilee, and he findeth Philip, and saith to him, `Be following me.’
44 And Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter;
45 Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith to him, `Him of whom Moses wrote in the Law, and the prophets, we have found, Jesus the son of Joseph, who [is] from Nazareth;’
46 and Nathanael said to him, `Out of Nazareth is any good thing able to be?’ Philip said to him, `Come and see.’
47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming unto him, and he saith concerning him, `Lo, truly an Israelite, in whom guile is not;’
48 Nathanael saith to him, `Whence me dost thou know?’ Jesus answered and said to him, `Before Philip’s calling thee — thou being under the fig-tree — I saw thee.’
49 Nathanael answered and saith to him, `Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the king of Israel.’
50 Jesus answered and said to him, `Because I said to thee, I saw thee under the fig-tree, thou dost believe; greater things than these thou shalt see;’
51 and he saith to him, `Verily, verily, I say to you, henceforth ye shall see the heaven opened, and the messengers of God going up and coming down upon the Son of Man.’ – Aslan International Ministry
Aslan International Ministry – And we turn, and journey into the wilderness, the way of the Red Sea, as Jehovah hath spoken unto me, and we go round the mount of Seir many days.
3 Enough to you — is the going round of this mount; turn for yourselves northward.
4 `And the people command thou, saying, Ye are passing over into the border of your brethren, sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, and they are afraid of you; and ye have been very watchful,
5 ye do not strive with them, for I do not give to you of their land even the treading of the sole of a foot; for a possession to Esau I have given mount Seir.
6 `Food ye buy from them with money, and have eaten; and also water ye buy from them with money, and have drunk,
7 for Jehovah thy God hath blessed thee in all the work of thy hands; He hath known thy walking in this great wilderness these forty years; Jehovah thy God [is] with thee; thou hast not lacked anything.
8 `And we pass by from our brethren, sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, by the way of the plain, by Elath, and by Ezion-Gaber; and we turn, and pass over the way of the wilderness of Moab;
9 and Jehovah saith unto me, Do not distress Moab, nor stir thyself up against them [in] battle, for I do not give to thee of their land [for] a possession; for to the sons of Lot I have given Ar [for] a possession.’
10 `The Emim formerly have dwelt in it, a people great, and numerous, and tall, as the Anakim;
11 Rephaim they are reckoned, they also, as the Anakim; and the Moabites call them Emim.
12 And in Seir have the Horim dwelt formerly; and the sons of Esau dispossess them, and destroy them from before them, and dwell in their stead, as Israel hath done to the land of his possession, which Jehovah hath given to them;
13 now, rise ye, and pass over for yourselves the brook Zered; and we pass over the brook Zered.
14 `And the days which we have walked from Kadesh-Barnea until that we have passed over the brook Zered, [are] thirty and eight years, till the consumption of all the generation of the men of battle from the midst of the camp, as Jehovah hath sworn to them;
15 and also the hand of Jehovah hath been against them, to destroy them from the midst of the camp, till they are consumed.
16 `And it cometh to pass, when all the men of battle have finished dying from the midst of the people,
20 `A land of Rephaim it is reckoned, even it; Rephaim dwelt in it formerly, and the Ammonites call them Zamzummim;
21 a people great, and numerous, and tall, as the Anakim, and Jehovah destroyeth them before them, and they dispossess them, and dwell in their stead,
22 as He hath done for the sons of Esau, who are dwelling in Seir, when He destroyed the Horim from before them, and they dispossess them, and dwell in their stead, unto this day.
23 `As to the Avim who are dwelling in Hazerim unto Azzah, the Caphtorim — who are coming out from Caphtor — have destroyed them, and dwell in their stead.
24 `Rise ye, journey and pass over the brook Arnon; see, I have given into thy hand Sihon king of Heshbon, the Amorite, and his land; begin to possess, and stir up thyself against him [in] battle.
25 This day I begin to put thy dread and thy fear on the face of the peoples under the whole heavens, who hear thy fame, and have trembled and been pained because of thee.
26 `And I send messengers from the wilderness of Kedemoth, unto Sihon king of Heshbon, — words of peace — saying,
27 Let me pass over through thy land; in the several ways I go; I turn not aside — right or left —
28 food for money thou dost sell me, and I have eaten; and water for money thou dost give to me, and I have drunk; only, let me pass over on my feet, —
29 as the sons of Esau who are dwelling in Seir, and the Moabites who are dwelling in Ar, have done to me — till that I pass over the Jordan, unto the land which Jehovah our God is giving to us.
30 `And Sihon king of Heshbon hath not been willing to let us pass over by him, for Jehovah thy God hath hardened his spirit, and strengthened his heart, so as to give him into thy hand as at this day.
31 `And Jehovah saith unto me, See, I have begun to give before thee Sihon and his land; begin to possess — to possess his land.
32 `And Sihon cometh out to meet us, he and all his people, to battle to Jahaz;
33 and Jehovah our God giveth him before us, and we smite him, and his sons, and all his people;
34 and we capture all his cities at that time, and devote the whole city, men, and the women, and the infants — we have not left a remnant;
35 only, the cattle we have spoiled for ourselves, and the spoil of the cities which we have captured.
36 `From Aroer, which [is] by the edge of the brook Arnon, and the city which [is] by the brook, even unto Gilead there hath not been a city which [is] too high for us; the whole hath Jehovah our God given before us.
37 `Only, unto the land of the sons of Ammon thou hast not drawn near, any part of the brook Jabbok, and cities of the hill-country, and anything which Jehovah our God hath [not] commanded. – Aslan International Ministry
5 Jesus then having lifted up [his] eyes and having seen that a great multitude doth come to him, saith unto Philip, `Whence shall we buy loaves, that these may eat?’ —
6 and this he said, trying him, for he himself had known what he was about to do.
7 Philip answered him, `Two hundred denaries’ worth of loaves are not sufficient to them, that each of them may receive some little;’
8 one of his disciples — Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter — saith to him,
9 `There is one little lad here who hath five barley loaves, and two fishes, but these — what are they to so many?’
10 And Jesus said, `Make the men to sit down;’ and there was much grass in the place, the men then sat down, in number, as it were, five thousand,
11 and Jesus took the loaves, and having given thanks he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to those reclining, in like manner, also of the little fishes as much as they wished.
12 And when they were filled, he saith to his disciples, `Gather together the broken pieces that are over, that nothing may be lost;’
13 they gathered together, therefore, and filled twelve hand-baskets with broken pieces, from the five barley loaves that were over to those having eaten.
14 The men, then, having seen the sign that Jesus did, said — `This is truly the Prophet, who is coming to the world;’
15 Jesus, therefore, having known that they are about to come, and to take him by force that they may make him king, retired again to the mountain himself alone.
16 And when evening came, his disciples went down to the sea,
17 and having entered into the boat, they were going over the sea to Capernaum, and darkness had already come, and Jesus had not come unto them,
18 the sea also — a great wind blowing — was being raised,
19 having pushed onwards, therefore, about twenty-five or thirty furlongs, they behold Jesus walking on the sea, and coming nigh to the boat, and they were afraid;
20 and he saith to them, `I am [he], be not afraid;’
21 they were willing then to receive him into the boat, and immediately the boat came unto the land to which they were going.
22 On the morrow, the multitude that was standing on the other side of the sea, having seen that there was no other little boat there except one — that into which his disciples entered — and that Jesus went not in with his disciples into the little boat, but his disciples went away alone,
23 (and other little boats came from Tiberias, nigh the place where they did eat the bread, the Lord having given thanks),
24 when therefore the multitude saw that Jesus is not there, nor his disciples, they also themselves did enter into the boats, and came to Capernaum seeking Jesus;
25 and having found him on the other side of the sea, they said to him, `Rabbi, when hast thou come hither?’
26 Jesus answered them and said, `Verily, verily, I say to you, Ye seek me, not because ye saw signs, but because ye did eat of the loaves, and were satisfied;
27 work not for the food that is perishing, but for the food that is remaining to life age-during, which the Son of Man will give to you, for him did the Father seal — [even] God.’
28 They said therefore unto him, `What may we do that we may work the works of God?’
29 Jesus answered and said to them, `This is the work of God, that ye may believe in him whom He did send.’
30 They said therefore to him, `What sign, then, dost thou, that we may see and may believe thee? what dost thou work?
31 our fathers the manna did eat in the wilderness, according as it is having been written, Bread out of the heaven He gave them to eat.’
32 Jesus, therefore, said to them, `Verily, verily, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread out of the heaven; but my Father doth give you the true bread out of the heaven;
33 for the bread of God is that which is coming down out of the heaven, and giving life to the world.’
34 They said, therefore, unto him, `Sir, always give us this bread.’
35 And Jesus said to them, `I am the bread of the life; he who is coming unto me may not hunger, and he who is believing in me may not thirst — at any time;
36 but I said to you, that ye also have seen me, and ye believe not;
37 all that the Father doth give to me will come unto me; and him who is coming unto me, I may in no wise cast without,
38 because I have come down out of the heaven, not that I may do my will, but the will of Him who sent me.
39 `And this is the will of the Father who sent me, that all that He hath given to me I may not lose of it, but may raise it up in the last day;
40 and this is the will of Him who sent me, that every one who is beholding the Son, and is believing in him, may have life age-during, and I will raise him up in the last day.’
41 The Jews, therefore, were murmuring at him, because he said, `I am the bread that came down out of the heaven;’
42 and they said, `Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we have known? how then saith this one — Out of the heaven I have come down?’
43 Jesus answered, therefore, and said to them, `Murmur not one with another;
44 no one is able to come unto me, if the Father who sent me may not draw him, and I will raise him up in the last day;
45 it is having been written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God; every one therefore who heard from the Father, and learned, cometh to me;
46 not that any one hath seen the Father, except he who is from God, he hath seen the Father.
47 `Verily, verily, I say to you, He who is believing in me, hath life age-during;
48 I am the bread of the life;
49 your fathers did eat the manna in the wilderness, and they died;
50 this is the bread that out of the heaven is coming down, that any one may eat of it, and not die.
51 `I am the living bread that came down out of the heaven; if any one may eat of this bread he shall live — to the age; and the bread also that I will give is my flesh, that I will give for the life of the world.’
52 The Jews, therefore, were striving with one another, saying, `How is this one able to give us [his] flesh to eat?’
53 Jesus, therefore, said to them, `Verily, verily, I say to you, If ye may not eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and may not drink his blood, ye have no life in yourselves;
54 he who is eating my flesh, and is drinking my blood, hath life age-during, and I will raise him up in the last day;
55 for my flesh truly is food, and my blood truly is drink;
56 he who is eating my flesh, and is drinking my blood, doth remain in me, and I in him.
57 `According as the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, he also who is eating me, even that one shall live because of me;
58 this is the bread that came down out of the heaven; not as your fathers did eat the manna, and died; he who is eating this bread shall live — to the age.’
59 These things he said in a synagogue, teaching in Capernaum;
60 many, therefore, of his disciples having heard, said, `This word is hard; who is able to hear it?’
61 And Jesus having known in himself that his disciples are murmuring about this, said to them, `Doth this stumble you?
62 if then ye may behold the Son of Man going up where he was before?